Ask Lisa writes back
Personal attack aside, it appears that people have completely missed the social commentary I was attempting to make in my article last week, which was not a slanderous dig directed toward those that have been legitimately diagnosed with the disorders mentioned, but rather a tongue-in-cheek observation regarding the overmedication and dangerous practice of medical misdiagnosis prevalent in today's society.
I didn't intend to directly slander or belittle anyone, and I'm not sure how I demeaned those diagnosed with ADD or any other disorder.
However, if I offended anyone I am truly and deeply sorry and regretful. I never once in the column intended to directly degrade or literally make fun of anyone with a disorder.
Neither myself nor the writer of the letter I was responding to intended to draw the parallel that ADD means laziness; rather, a clear distinction was established.
After this onslaught of letters, my curiosity was piqued and I revisited several sources that address the symptoms of attention deficit disorder, some of which may be misdiagnosed or are close to what some may recognize as laziness or procrastination: "Periods of low energy, especially early in the morning and in the afternoon, frequently feeling tired and procrastination."
I am not qualified to debate the medical intricacies of these disorders. By including them in my column I was simply referring back to the body of the letter. I recognize that ADD, bipolar disorder and other disorders are all very real and serious problems.
I myself have several close friends that have been diagnosed, and it is their generous sense of humor regarding their conditions that encouraged me to take such a tone. I am truly sorry if I offended anyone and am always appreciative of feedback - both negative and positive.
Lisa Przystup
Football team rains on marching band's parade
In reference to the "game" last Saturday between Oregon and ASU, the photo of the dejected band member, published in Tuesday's edition of The State Press, says it all - and more.
The slumped-over posture of this musician, as a result of our football team's lack of performance, clearly expresses the same sort of dejection I felt.
I don't think we were alone in that regard. However, there was another side of the dejection shown; although he may not have meant to express it.
That band member, together with his musician colleagues, guard team members, baton twirlers and those on the pom team, work very hard, putting in long hours each week to put on excellent shows at halftime.
The show they performed this past Saturday was no exception. However, most of those who remained at Sun Devil Stadium disappeared during halftime in search of shade.
As a result, they missed an excellent performance - one that was far and above better than that put on by our football team.
We all know it was very hot during the game and no amount of money from ABC could justify the conditions we had to put up with in the stadium.
But the people in the band, their staff, and guard, baton and pom teams deserve much more recognition than they received as a result of their halftime show.
I understand that the band, and at least some of the others who put on the halftime shows, will perform at the USC game a week from Saturday. I can only hope that they receive much more recognition from people in that stadium than they did in our own.
I, for one, will be there to support the football team and the band. It remains to be seen which will deserve the greatest portion of my support.
Jan Snyder