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Opinions: Boos and Bravos

BRAVO to oversized sunglasses. Whether they're on the face of Audrey Hepburn or Nicole Richie, we just can't get enough of these bug-eyed shades. Unlike some lame trends (collar popping and Uggs spring to mind) we'd be happy if this one stuck around. Sorry SPM, but The State Press "loves it!"

BOO to the security at Adelphi I. After reporting on six break-ins and one assault, The State Press learned that anybody with a Sun Card could get through the perimeter gate. We tested it out and sure enough residents were right. We're glad to hear officials are working on the problem now, but this sort of security lapse never should have happened and may very well have contributed to last week's events.

BRAVO to the Border Film Project. Illegal immigration is a perpetually hot topic in the Valley of the Sun. Unfortunately, it's difficult to really put a face with the issue. Instead we hear debate after debate and allegation after allegation never really knowing whom the issue affects. By giving disposable cameras to both Minutemen and immigrants - while requiring neither name nor caption - a group of three was able to provide us all with a unique perspective - from both sides of the issues.

BOO to FOX News. We already gave readers our top 10 reasons to bake this "fair and balanced" news conglomerate a cake, but we have to add just one more. On at least three occasions, the network labeled Mark Foley, Florida's former Republican congressman, a Democrat. Maybe it's just sloppy editing. But we're thinking FOX is too "sly" for that. With November elections just around the corner, this little slip up makes us wonder if FOX isn't as balanced as we once thought. Sad.

BRAVO to the proposed revisions to the University smoking policy. If suggested changes are passed, smokers will have to indulge their addiction at least 25 feet away from any ASU building, entrance, exit or nonsmoking area. We applaud the efforts to add this into the policy. Smoking is a personal decision and we don't begrudge anybody that right, but a walk to our English class shouldn't include inhaling secondhand smoke.

BOO to the new club alcohol rules. We understand that ASU is encouraging clubs to be safe but forcing a licensed bartender onto the tab of any club activity that might involve libations goes a bit far. Believe it or not it is possible for students to both drink and serve alcohol responsibly. Maybe a wristband policy not unlike those at fraternity parties is in order.

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