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Police Beat

ASU police reported the following incident Wednesday:

A tan beach cruiser bike belonging to an 18-year-old male ASU student was reported stolen Tuesday night from the bike racks on the west side of the Language and Literature building.

The victim secured his bike with a cable lock to the bike racks near the building, and when he returned, both his bike and cable lock were missing, police said.

Police have no leads.

Tempe police reported the following incidents Wednesday:

A 42-year-old Tempe man was arrested Tuesday morning on the 1200 block of South Rural Road and charged with possession of narcotic drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia and public urination.

The man was originally contacted after allegedly urinating in public on the 1000 block of East Apache Boulevard, police said.

According to police reports, the man ran from police on foot and was later located on the 1200 block of South McClintock Drive as he was hiding behind the garbage containers on the property.

After the man was arrested, a glass pipe marked with residue and burn marks was found on the ground next to where he was found hiding. Police also reportedly found a lighter and a blue plastic bag containing crack cocaine.

The man was booked into the Tempe jail and released pending his drug charges.

A 19-year-old Chandler woman was arrested Tuesday afternoon on the 1100 block of East Vinedo Drive on charges of theft of means of transportation, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of stolen property.

A witness told police she was walking down the street trying vehicle-door handles to see if they would open, police said.

When police located the woman, she was seen walking out of a driveway where police were later notified by the resident that someone had attempted to steal his pickup truck, police said.

According to police reports, when officers searched the woman's bag, she was found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia and property that was later confirmed stolen.

The woman was booked into the Tempe jail.

Reports compiled by Natalie Hayes. Reach the reporter at:

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