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More than gold T-shirts

As future graduates of the largest university in the country, we have a lot to be proud of.

Not many of them are as fun to show as our support for football, though.

This year, the student section at football games has been more packed than we can remember.

Our football team has two decisive victories to its credit as it takes to the road for the first time this weekend.

It has overcome a flat-out weird quarterback situation at the beginning of the season to display a confident front against other teams.

And the team has done it with thousands of peers screaming their support from the golden mass of sweat, pumping fists, and face paint that is the student section at Sun Devil Stadium.

Coincidentally, student season-ticket sales are higher than they've ever been.

Students have even made it past the hurdles of a new wristband policy to fill out the entire student section with their solid gold T-shirts.

The section has been so full that student fans have been forced to migrate to other sections of the stadium - much to the chagrin of some of our readers; judging by the letters we received after the season opener.

We can't help but smile though, at the thought of too many students being at the game, especially in light of the low turnout we have been known for in the past.

Of course, it doesn't hurt that football personnel put together a team that has proved it deserves a place among college football's elite - after the troublesome first three quarters of the season.

And it also doesn't hurt that University administration and Residential Life gave returning residence-hall students free season tickets.

The free tickets are a good sign that the administration thinks about connecting students to the larger campus community.

It's not just the football team that can make us feel proud either.

The women's golf team won a tournament yesterday, and we're expecting plenty of other sports to be in competition for national recognition this year.

Many of these sports, like soccer or even water polo, can be just as fun as a football game and cost a fraction of the price to watch - some are even free.

It's nice to be able to just root for the team, forgetting disagreements over school policies, tuition hikes and book costs for an afternoon.

Go Sun Devils!

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