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Devil Dish: Women's basketball vs UA

When the ASU women's basketball team beat rival UA 81-45 last February in its final home game of the season, propelling them into post-season play, you probably weren't there.

The pitiful student section that night was barely a match for the array of paying customers to the right and left, whose scattered red presence seemed to counterbalance the pathetic pond of gold.

Even with free admittance for students, something was keeping them from flocking to Wells Fargo Arena to watch the women play.

Undefeated at home (15-0), it wasn't as if the women weren't doing their part to put on a good show. Still, home games averaged only 2,137 spectators in a facility that houses more than 14,000.

Even the struggling men's team, which was a mere 8-9 at home, managed to pull in almost three times as many fans last year.

If nearly 13,000 fans showed up to watch the men's team lose against UA at last year's game at home, why aren't more willing to come watch a grudge match that will actually end in victory?

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