Governor Janet Napolitano signed the Arizona fiscal year 2007 budget Wednesday, allocating funding for the universities, among other issues.
The budget allocates the following amounts of money for ASU's campuses, according to Bill Greeney, principal budget analyst for the Office of the Governor:
o For enrollment growth - about $14.1 million for the Tempe campus, $2.7 million for the Polytechnic campus and $1.4 million for the West campus. This money funds new students attending ASU, and is added on top of the enrollment growth numbers for the FY 2006 budget.
o $529,000 in grants for ASU's Arizona historical society to acquire and care for Barry Goldwater's memoir papers.
o $10.6 million in discretionary funds for the whole of ASU. "This is legislative speak for 'We're not going to specify which issue gets funded, but we know you need money for several issues,' " Greeney said.
o $20 million for the Arizona Board of Regents to allocate to building renewal for the three in-state universities.
o The budget also deducts funds from ASU's funding because the Legislature voted last year not to fund students with more than 155 credits. This would deduct $952,000 from Tempe; $49,700 from Polytechnic; and $65,400 from West.
Greeney said Gov. Napolitano spent a lot of time getting funding for the universities and she considers this budget a success.
"It was one of her top priorities," he said. "We could always try to get more, but this was a good year."
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