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Gadget Corner: Google in Your Pocket

Thinking about saying "hello" to impress that cute French exchange student next to you in class? Google can help you on the spot.

Just type in "translate 'hi' in French" on your cell phone and send the message to the number 46645 -- essentially "Google" for your phone. Before you know it, you'll get a reply from Google saying "salut" is your word.

Anyone can try Google SMS by typing specialized queries that trigger very specific replies, by using a mobile phone or a handheld device that supports SMS text messaging.

In just a matter of seconds, Google SMS can get you business and residential listings, product prices, dictionary definitions, weather forecast, sports scores and schedules, movie listings and almost anything that comes to your mind.

Google is offering this feature free of charge - you just pay your carrier's price for text messaging.

To find out more about how to use Google SMS, go to

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