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Police Beat: Vehicle theft

ASU police reported the following incidents Tuesday:

The vehicle belonging to a 22-year-old male ASU student was allegedly stolen Thursday morning from Lot 60. The victim did not report the vehicle stolen until Sunday evening because he did not want his mother to find out about it, police reported. The victim reportedly said the vehicle was probably unlocked, because he had to lock it with a key from the outside. "I left [the key] in the ignition," he reportedly said. The vehicle was recovered Monday evening on the 200 block of East Sixth Street. Police have no leads.

An 18-year-old male ASU student was arrested Tuesday night and charged with trespassing in San Pablo Hall. Police reportedly found the student running out of the residence hall after police had been notified by a resident assistant of a possible assault. The man reportedly told police he entered San Pablo Hall behind a resident. He reportedly said he was going to speak with a resident of the hall who had kissed his girlfriend. He allegedly told police he was running out of the building to "blow off steam."

Tempe police reported the following incidents Tuesday:

A 22-year-old Mesa man was arrested late Tuesday morning with two friends -- 20- and 22-year-old Mesa men -- after a witness allegedly saw them breaking into a car on the 1400 block of East Broadway Road. The men were found in a vehicle with $450 worth of stolen property and burglary tools, police reported. All three men were charged with burglary, possession of burglary tools and possession of stolen property.

A Tempe man allegedly said he was going to burn down the residence he shares with a Tempe woman. Shortly after the statements were made, a fire occurred at the residence on the 500 block of West Brown Street, police said. The structure -- a duplex shared with the woman's mother and her family -- was severely damaged in the fire, police repported. Both the man and the woman fled the scene before police and fire officials arrived.

Reports compiled by Tara Brite. Reach the reporter at

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