In response to Tuesday's Talk Back section asking, "Where the hell are the recycling bins on campus?" There are over 1,000 recycling bins on campus. My name is Kerry Suson; I'm the recycling coordinator at ASU. Check out our Web site or give us a call at (480) 965-7639.
-Kerry Suson
This is in response to Peter's comment about Justin H. [in Tuesday's talk back section]. As Justin's roommate, I'm going to defend him by saying he is no stalker. A pervert, maybe, but definitely not a stalker.
-Paul A.
I am sick and tired of the men's bathroom downstairs at the Memorial Union, by the pool tables. It's the grossest thing in the world. There's writing on the wall, piss all over the floor, and somebody took a dump on the floor. We've already contacted facilities twice and nothing has happened. Can you please do something about this? We pay enough college tuition; these things should be fixed ASAP. Thank you very much.
Talk Back is our "free for all" message line for complaints, comments and anything else. Call (480) 965-6881 and rant about anything you want.