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Tempe representative eyeing Arizona Senate

State Rep. Meg Burton-Cahill, D-Tempe, will not seek re-election to the Arizona House of Representatives, but is considering a run for state Senate in 2006.

Burton-Cahill was not specific as to why she would not run for House re-election.

"I've chosen to eliminate that from my goals," she said.

Instead, Burton-Cahill will support Edward Ableser, a Democrat, for her seat.

Ableser, an ASU graduate student, ran against Burton-Cahill and Republican Rep. Laura Knaperek for one of Tempe's two state house seats in 2004. Ableser was narrowly defeated, receiving 23.3 percent of the vote. Knaperek received 24.7 percent of the votes, the second-highest number of votes in the race.

"He's a hard-working young man, and he would do very well," Burton-Cahill said.

Ableser said he was thrilled to have Burton-Cahill's support.

"I'd love to see her as (Tempe's) next senator," Ableser said. "She's pretty much proven herself as a wonderful legislator."

Burton-Cahill said she would not make a decision until the start of the next legislative session, which begins in early January, about the Senate run. She said she would delay her decision in order to serve the rest of her term.

An Arizona law would require Burton-Cahill to resign her House seat if she were to announce candidacy now, she added.

But Burton-Cahill said she wants to continue her public service.

"I'm exploring my options," she said. "I am aware of the fact that Sen. Mitchell is termed out. That may influence my decision on what I am going to do."

Sen. Harry Mitchell, D-Tempe, has served in the Senate since 1999, according to the Arizona Legislature Web site. He cannot run again because of term limits.

"I believe that the district is best served by having similar representation," Burton-Cahill said.

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