ASU police reported the following incidents Monday:
A 19-year-old male ASU student was arrested and charged with having alcohol in his body late Saturday night on the 1300 block of South Sunset Drive. "[The man] had climbed over a second-story railing and sat down on an outside ledge," police reported. "While on the ledge [he] passed out from alcohol intoxication." After the man was removed from the ledge, police reported he "kept advising that he 'just wanted to go to bed.'"
An 18-year-old male ASU student allegedly spit in the face of another 18-year-old male student Wednesday afternoon on Palm Walk. The victim said he passed the suspect north of the Student Recreation Complex. The suspect reportedly spit in the victim's direction, and the victim reportedly "felt spit spray all over his face."
Tempe police reported the following incidents Monday:
A 46-year-old transient woman was arrested early Monday morning on the 700 block of South Mill Avenue and charged with two counts of aggravated assault on law enforcement and one count of disorderly conduct. The woman allegedly kicked over a newspaper stand and trash can and threw a trash can lid at two police officers.
A 24-year-old Phoenix man and a 32-year-old Tempe man were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct early Sunday morning near the intersection of Sixth Street and Mill Avenue. Police reported the Tempe man "provoked the situation by kissing the other guy's motorcycle and exchanging vulgarities."
A 61-year-old Fountain Hills man was arrested early Friday morning on the 1000 block of East Apache Boulevard after he allegedly picked up a prostitute and agreed to pay $50 for oral sex. "He has solicited prostitutes several times in the past because his wife is mentally ill," police reported.
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