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Police Beat: Dude, put your pants on!

ASU police reported the following incidents Monday:

A 19-year-old male ASU student was arrested at Tempe St. Luke's Hospital, 1500 S. Mill Ave., Friday afternoon and charged with having alcohol in his body. He was reportedly found near Parking Structure 5 "with his pants down to his knees lying backwards with another male behind him supporting his head and arms." The conscious man said he and his friend had been drinking everclear and vodka and had left the unconscious man's dorm room to walk to the football game when the suspect became distressed. The man reportedly "vomited and attempted to take off his pants." The man was transported to the hospital, where he later reportedly told police he had drank about four or five shots of vodka.

Two women, ages 40 and 38, reported they had been assaulted by a 48-year-old man at Sun Devil Stadium in the last few minutes of the ASU/UA football game Friday. One victim was reportedly struck in the chest and the other was reportedly punched in the head. "[One victim] said the man hit her and was swearing over a spilled drink," police reported. The suspect reportedly denied hitting anyone, and police reported finding no evidence of injury to the victims. "[One victim] said she has tumors on her head and if I did not do something she would own the stadium," an officer reported. One victim wanted the suspect arrested and the other wanted him ejected from the game, police reported. Police reported they made no arrests or ejections because of the lack of evidence of injury, the suspect's denial of hitting anyone and "the high probability this was likely disorderly conduct by all parties involved."

A 40-year-old woman was arrested and charged with assault early Friday morning on the 6500 block of South Longwood on the Polytechnic campus. The woman was reportedly arguing with her husband, a 49-year-old ASU student, on their way home from a Thanksgiving party. "[The husband] said a friend of [his wife's] has come to the party and announced that she was getting a divorce from her husband and that led [the suspect] to wanting a divorce from him," police reported. The man reportedly told police his wife hit him with a closed fist on his left cheek, where police reportedly found bruises. The couple's two children, ages 4 and 6, were reportedly in the backseat and allegedly told police their mother had hit their father in the van.

Tempe police reported the following incidents Monday:

Police were dispatched to a neighborhood near the intersection of Curry and Scottsdale roads around noon Sunday regarding a pit bull that was reportedly trying to attack people. Officers reportedly found the dog with a dead cat in its mouth shaking its head back and forth. When the dog charged at an officer, the officer shot the animal, which fled but was later captured and euthanized by Rabies and Animal Control.

A 32-year-old Tempe man was arrested on charges of marijuana and drug-paraphernalia possession on the 2000 block of West Garden Drive late Saturday night. "[He] was contacted because he was dressed in a ninja outfit and was hiding in the bushes," police reported. "During the course of the contact, [he] was found to be in possession of a small metal pipe with marijuana residue and a usable amount of marijuana."

Four unknown suspects allegedly stole electronic equipment worth $770 from Radio Shack, 949 E. University Drive, in an armed robbery Saturday evening. Two men, one of whom reportedly displayed a handgun, allegedly entered the store and took the merchandise. A third man allegedly stood in the doorway and also displayed a gun, and a fourth reportedly stayed in the suspect vehicle. The only employee in the store was reportedly on break and watching the store via a surveillance camera. That employee reportedly called police during the robbery, but the suspects fled before police arrived.

An 18-year-old Tempe man was arrested early Saturday morning on the 300 block of South Beck Drive and charged with theft of a means of transportation. The man was stopped after he was reportedly seen driving without headlights. "Upon contacting [the suspect] he immediately said, 'The vehicle is stolen. I knew it was stolen. I got it from a friend,'" police reported. "A records check did not reveal the vehicle to be stolen, but the registered owner was contacted and stated the vehicle was stolen."

Reports compiled by Brian Indrelunas. Reach the reporter at

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