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Letters to the Editor: Web Devil poll biased against meal plans

Web Devil poll biased against meal plans

It was very unprofessional of the Web Devil poll to have a survey for the meal plan that provided mostly negative options. How are you supposed to provide the student body with an accurate tool to poll what we are thinking if your options all lean toward disliking this proposal?

The only positive option was, "I plan to spend my winter break researching it." There was no option that said, "Yes, I have researched it and like the plan." There were some sarcastic options, "Being forced to eat where there are no county health inspectors is a grand idea!" or "Not having to decide where to eat allows me to focus more on my studies." This is a very [biased] survey. Way to go, State Press!

-- Korbi Adams

ASU sophomore

Morning-after pill prevents ovulation, not conception

Many people who are opposed to Plan B emergency birth control are just ignorant of how it actually works ("Enforcing morality over practicality," Oct. 28). It is not an abortion pill. It suppresses ovulation, just like any other birth-control pill.

This means that the pill reduces the chance of ovulating after you take it, and therefore brings a decreased chance of pregnancy.

If a woman happens to conceive after intercourse, but before taking Plan B, the pill won't do anything. She's pregnant. However, if she was set to ovulate within the next few days and takes the pill, she will not ovulate, preventing an unwanted pregnancy and perhaps an unwanted abortion.

Any pharmacist who has a moral aversion to dispensing Plan B but is willing to give out normal oral contraceptives needs to go back to pharmacy school.

-- Diana Welsch

ASU junior

USG, remember to respect your constituents

I am very proud of ASU students for fighting the meal plan proposal. As an Undergraduate Student Government senator who voted against the proposal, I am very disturbed that the senate approved it without even considering the massive backlash of angry students -- our constituents.

Students have a right to be upset with their student government right now. How can the USG Senate earn the respect of students, when it can't even show that it respects them?

So, to all my fellow senators who will be voting to override Yaser's veto of the meal plan resolution: look inside your heart and make the right choice. Students are well informed and do know the costs and benefits.

And at the end of the day, it's affordability, choice and respect that matter most. Let's give students the respect they deserve. Let's oppose the meal plan proposal, and let's do our jobs as true representatives of the student body.

-- Richard Sales

USG senator, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

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