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Police Beat: ASU student choked

ASU police reported the following incidents Wednesday:

An 18-year-old male ASU student was reportedly choked by an unidentified suspect Monday night at the Sahuaro residence hall. The victim reportedly did not want to aid in prosecution.

A 52-year-old Peoria man was arrested at the Las Casas residence hall on the West campus Monday night and charged with trespassing. The dorm's assistant director reported to police the man had left literature around the pool. Although he was reportedly asked to leave, the assistant director told police the man was hiding in a desert area near a parking lot. Police found the man, told him to leave the campus and warned him he could be arrested for trespassing if he returned. The man was arrested after a caller reported to police the man had returned and was "freaking out" students near the dorm's pool.

Tempe police reported the following incidents Wednesday:

A 37-year-old transient man was arrested at Circle K, 119 W. University Drive, early Wednesday morning on charges of public consumption of alcohol and trespassing. The man was reportedly seen drinking from a can of Zima and had been warned several times in the past not to return to the store.

Two Mesa men, ages 18 and 19, were arrested Tuesday afternoon on Priest Drive, just south of Rio Salado Parkway, and charged with burglary. Police alleged the men broke a glass display case at a Trails store and took a $2,400 glass bong and fled the scene. "The subjects had the vehicle backed in, ready to leave the scene in a hurry. [The 19-year-old's] face was covered, and the license plate was covered with duct tape," police reported. When the suspects were stopped on Priest Drive a short time later, police reportedly found the 18-year-old man to have a substance thought to be marijuana and a pipe that could be used to smoke it. He was also charged with marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.

A 37-year-old transient man was arrested at Circle K, 15 W. Southern Ave., and charged with robbery and possession of drug paraphernalia early Tuesday morning. The man allegedly walked into the store and walked behind the counter. "[He] walked to the clerk, lifted his sweatshirt and displayed the hilt of a dagger stuffed in his waistband," police reported. The man allegedly took cartons of cigarettes from the store and fled. After being arrested, police reportedly found a cocaine pipe in his possession.

Reports compiled by Brian Indrelunas. Reach the reporter at

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