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Police Beat: Pizza and Pee

ASU Police reported the following incidents Thursday:

A Dell computer was stolen from the Sands 203 Building at ASU West Monday, police said. It was taken from a metal security device inside a classroom podium. Police said the metal tray holding the computer was bent and had numerous pry marks. No fingerprints were recovered, and the police have no further leads.

A flute, valued at $10,000, was stolen from the West Music Building on the Tempe campus last week, police said. A faculty member told police he had placed the flute in a black case and left it in a classroom. He reportedly left for four hours and said that when he returned the flute was gone. There were no signs of forced entry. Police have no leads.

Tempe Police reported the following incidents:

A 31-year-old Gilbert man was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct and urinating in public at Slices, a pizzeria on 11th E. 6th Street, Wednesday. Police said the man exposed his penis inside the restaurant and urinated on the floor in front of five patrons and employees. The man was "extremely intoxicated at the time," police added.

A 24-year-old man was arrested in the 1000 block of McClintock Drive for allegedly failing to provide proof of identification and displaying a fictitious driver license. Police said the man was questioned about his identity after he was involved in a car accident. When police confronted him about the license, the man reportedly admitted he obtained it from a person "selling fake identification at 16th Street and Fillmore in Phoenix."

Reports compiled by Michael Famiglietti. Reach the reporter at

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