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Police Beat: Edward 40 Hands

ASU police reported the following incident Thursday:

Two 18-year-old male ASU students were arrested at the Sonora Center residence hall late Wednesday night and charged with underage possession of alcohol. The men were reportedly seen standing over the trunk of a car moving bottles into a duffel bag.

When asked what was in the trunk, one suspect reportedly said, "Forties."

That man allegedly told police he used a valid Virginia license belonging to a 22-year-old man to buy 16 40-ounce bottles of various alcoholic beverages and a 750-ml bottle of Captain Morgan rum at a Fry's Food grocery store. He was also charged with misrepresenting age to obtain alcohol.

Police reportedly located a Fry's receipt listing the alcoholic beverages and four rolls of duct tape.

When asked about the duct tape, the suspect who allegedly bought the items "said they were intending on playing a drinking game called 'Edward 40 Hands,'" police said.

"[The suspect] said as a part of the game, a 40-ounce bottle is duct taped to each hand," police reported. "The person is then required to consume both bottles before 'going to the bathroom.'"

The other suspect reportedly said he was not present when the alcohol was purchased but contributed to the drinking money.

Tempe police reported the following incident Thursday:

A 64-year-old transient man was arrested on the 300 block of West University Drive Wednesday morning on charges of trespassing, public alcohol consumption and providing false information to police. The man allegedly left a Circle K store with several cans of beer without paying, and an officer reportedly "observed him drinking from one of the stolen beer cans."

The man also allegedly gave police a false last name and a birth date exactly two years after his true date of birth.

Reports compiled by Brian Indrelunas. Reach the reporter at

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