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Police Beat: Case of the missing Starbucks giftcard

ASU police reported the following incident Tuesday:

A 17-year-old ASU student reported a theft Monday afternoon after she discovered her ASU Gamepass, Suncard and Starbucks gift card were missing from her purse. The woman said the items could have been stolen at her exam that morning in Neeb Hall, when her instructor told all of the students to put their possessions along the walls of the lecture hall to prevent cheating. Estimated total loss is $98.

Tempe Police reported the following incidents Tuesday:

A 25-year-old Cottonwood man was arrested early Tuesday morning and charged with one count of false reporting to law enforcement. The man was reportedly questioned during an accident investigation and gave police a false name. He told police he lied "because I didn't want to go to jail." He was booked into Tempe City Jail.

A 37-year-old Park City, Utah, man was arrested at the intersection of McClintock Drive and Del Rio Drive Sunday night on a charge of obstruction of traffic. Police reportedly found him lying in the roadway, completely blocking the curb lane of northbound McClintock. Three to four vehicles stopped and other traffic was forced to drive around the scene. The man was allegedly very intoxicated and belligerent with police. Police are searching for a suspect who robbed the Sun Foods Market at 1212 E. Apache Blvd. Monday evening. The suspect was described as a 27-year-old Hispanic male with a goatee, wearing a dark baseball cap and a white T-shirt. The suspect reportedly entered the store, pointed a silver barrel handgun at the cashier and demanded money and cigarettes. The suspect reportedly fled eastbound on foot. Police searched the surrounding area for the suspect but could not find him.

Reports compiled by Tara Brite. Reach the reporter at

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