Athletic Department focus not on safety
I'm absolutely stunned that the Athletic Department has stooped so low. I'm at a loss to see how color-coded wristbands are going to make for a safer student section at football games. All these wristbands are going to do is isolate people from their friends and force people to stand with strangers (which ruins the entire social aspect of Saturday afternoons).
Last time I checked, the Athletic Department wasn't exactly in the black. And I'm sure that issuing tens of thousands of these wristbands isn't going to aid our debt problems.
This has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with controlling the students. Maybe we can find a place in our budget next year for GPS monitoring of all the students in the stadium for, you know, safety purposes. I miss Gene Smith already!
-- Ian Hagerman
ASU graduate student
'Ship of Fools' leaves hole in comics section
Hey, you! What happened to the funny cartoons - namely, "Ship of Fools"? That was classic and hilarious. Quite frankly, it's just not the same. Bring it back.
-- Rene Herrera
ASU student
Lucia Bill's column misses target
I think your article, while well-written and probably accurate, fails to persuade. Digs about Cruise's academic decisions and profession do not negate the facts of Cruise's main point - that drugs like Paxil and Zoloft really can be dangerous. My wife was lucky enough to break her reliance on those drugs, which at one point made her suicidal. I just think it is easy to take pot shots at an overzealous star and that in the end, he may very well be right.
-- Rob Gordon
ASU graduate student
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