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Headlines: ASU to build 'Union Station'

ASU to build Union Station: The former site of Rita's Gift Shop will turn into a combined Sun Card office and copy shop, ASU officials announced Friday.

The gift shop closed in March, leaving a vacant space on the lower level of the Memorial Union.

The new store, expected to open in time for the fall semester, will be called Union Station and also will house a satellite ASU Bookstore. No textbooks will be sold in the store, but students will be able to buy ASU logo merchandise.

-- Nicole Saidi

Mansion up for sale: University House, a ranch-style home that housed the presidents of ASU for 35 years, has been put on the market for around $2 million.

Located at 2400 S. College Avenue, it last housed past ASU President Lattie Coor, who left the house in the mid-1990s after having a custom home built.

Current ASU President Michael Crow lives in Paradise Valley and has never occupied the building.

Stanley said ASU has received no offers.

-- Jason Ludwig

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