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Police Beat: Undercover cops arrest 19-year-old prostitute

Tempe police reported the following incidents Wednesday:

A 19-year-old Phoenix woman was arrested on the 1200 block of South Dorsey Lane on Tuesday night and charged with prostitution. She allegedly offered an undercover detective oral sex for $40 and sex for $70. Police reported the woman was arrested for the same offense in Phoenix on Friday.

A 20-year-old male ASU student was arrested at the Tempe Police Department on Tuesday afternoon on charges of assault. Police reported the man assaulted his live-in girlfriend on the night of April 12. He allegedly entered the bedroom of their apartment on the 3500 block of South McClintock Drive while the woman was asleep, pulled her off of the bed, pushed her onto the bed, laid on top of her to prevent her from getting up and struck her in her left eye. Police reported he also "placed his thumb on her throat while holding her shoulder down, preventing her from breathing."

A 27-year-old Mesa man was arrested at the Tempe Police Department on Tuesday morning on charges of speeding, failing to stop on command, giving false information to police and in connection with a hit-and-run collision with fixtures. The man was reportedly stopped for driving at 61 mph in a 35 mph zone, but police reported the man "fled the scene in his vehicle after being asked for his driver's license." The man allegedly failed to obey an order to stop and fled east on Southern Avenue. "When he attempted a right turn on Oak [Street] he lost control and collided [with] a residential structure." The man then allegedly fled on foot and after being captured, police reported he "lied about his identity and birthday due to a warrant out of Tempe Justice Court."

A 30-year-old man was arrested at his residence in Surprise on Tuesday morning on charges of aggravated assault and trespassing. The man allegedly entered his ex-girlfriend's Tempe apartment without permission and against requests to leave. Police reported he allegedly "assaulted the victim by shoving her against a table, causing injury, and then kicking her twice while she was on the floor." The man allegedly made contact with the victim by waiting in the parking lot until she came out to empty her trash. He has reportedly been estranged from the victim for about a month. The man was located by Surprise police and arrested by Tempe police.

Reports compiled by Brian Indrelunas. Reach the reporter at

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