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Letters to the Editor: Tillman worthy of rememberance

Tillman story inspirational

I have been inspired tremendously by the Pat Tillman story. You hear all too often about sports players complaining because they want to be on a better team or they want more money or more playing time.

None of that matters at all.

There are way too many people in this world who care about money and themselves. If everyone took just a little bit of time to help others out and care about people and doing the right thing than this world would be much better off.

Pat Tillman did something that he believed in. He didn't care about what others thought about him, he worried about what he knew was right. That is why I look up to Pat with so much respect.

I have tried for the past year to live life to its fullest and do what's right because of Pat. Pat Tillman is the real definition of a hero.

--Al Fragnoli,


Hull column bad for racing

I cannot believe you would let such an ignorant, small person as Heather Hull write an article and consider it fit for print.

When a person does an investigative article, the first step is to investigate or research the topic, as this helps keep them from sounding like an ignorant ass braying at the top of their lungs.

Drag racing isn't about Miller and rednecks. Nor is it all about men.

I am a woman; I like drag racing. I do so on a fairly regular basis. Girls like Heather are the type who give all women who have anything legitimate to do with cars a bad name.

She needs to stay far, far away from the track.

I would be happy to see an article written by a knowledgeable male or female on any subject; much more so than reading this mindless drivel spouted by a person who honestly shouldn't be allowed out unsupervised.

Next time you want an article written that has anything to do with cars, please contact one of the more than 100 car clubs in the state, or a club on campus.

--Lea Curtis,

ASU student

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