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Alumni Association names outstanding graduates


After raising two children and spending 18 years building a construction company with her husband, Lynn Gutman felt she was ready to go back to school and focus on her writing.

Now Gutman, 49, is graduating with a bachelor of interdisciplinary studies degree in creative writing and religious studies as the Alumni Association's Outstanding Graduate from University College.

2005 Outstanding Graduate Award winners

Barrett Honors College: Benjamin Savitch

College of Architecture and Environmental Design: Prasoon Kumar

College of Education: Sophia Smith

College of Human Services: Micah Pappas

College of Law: David Burkett

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Joanna Iacovelli

College of Nursing: Cindy Holcomb

College of Public Programs: Kenton Laffoon

College of Technology and Applied Sciences: Bryan McClure

East College: Lynn Samuels

Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering: Lubna Ahmad

Katherine K. Herberger College of Fine Arts: Scott Macintyre

Morrison School of Agribusiness & Resource Management: Trevor Fleege

School of Global Management and Leadership: Mariela Tchobanova

W.P. Carey School of Business: Christopher Rooney

Each year since 1971, the Alumni Association has given the Outstanding Graduate Award to one student in each college who, through a variety of commitments to the University, has had a positive impact on ASU. Fifteen other students also received the award.

Some of Gutman's recent projects include helping develop a literacy program at the Douglas prison, developing a memoir-writing workshop for senior citizens, serving as a member of the selection committee for featured faculty in ASU's Last Lecture series and teaching writing in the United Arab Emirates last summer.

"I've always been a big proponent of sharing what you know," she said.

Gutman is at her best when teaching or working with other people, said Lynn Nelson, an associate professor of English at ASU. Nelson runs the Young Adult Writing Project, a summer writing program that serves Valley teens, where Gutman has taught.

"She's very outgoing in that she's always more concerned about other people than about herself," Nelson said. "If anybody is worthy of that award, [Gutman] is."

Gutman said she was "a bit overwhelmed" to receive the award because she is not someone who seeks recognition.

"The whole thing just really took me by surprise," she said.

After graduation, Gutman plans to pursue a master's degree in creative writing through a distance learning program out of California and stay active in the Phoenix area by continuing to teach.

"I really think it's important to not just go to your classes," she said. "It made me feel like I was a contributing member of the community."

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ONLINE EDITOR'S NOTE: This story was modified April 12. The name of the award winner from the College of Architecture and Environmental Design was misstated and misspelled as Kumar Prasson. The correct spelling is Prasoon Kumar.

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