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Police Beat: Walking while urinating

Tempe police reported the following incidents Tuesday:

A 23-year-old Tempe man was arrested early Monday morning at 900 S. Terrace Road and charged with urinating in public. Police reported the suspect was walking through the parking lot at 855 S. Rural Road urinating and allegedly began running when approached. He stopped at the place of arrest and complied with police.

A 53-year-old Phoenix man was arrested and charged with shoplifting after employees and a customer allegedly witnessed him steal several packs of batteries from Fry's Food & Drug at 5100 S. McClintock Drive on Monday.

A 19-year-old transient man and a 27-year-old Tempe man were arrested Monday evening and charged with forgery at Money Mart Check Cashing at 818 W. Broadway Road. Police reported the Tempe man willingly took a forged check given to him by the transient man and attempted to cash it. Money Mart contacted the victim to verify the check was valid and he reported it stolen. Police also discovered an outstanding warrant for contempt of a Mesa City Court for the transient man.

A 24-year-old transient woman was arrested Monday at 509 S. Mill Ave. and charged with misdemeanor theft. She allegedly stole $30 worth of "artistic, specialized pens" in the presence of police officers from the unattended cup of a Mill Avenue street artist.

Reports compiled by Courtney Bonnell. Reach the reporter at

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