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Police Beat: Officer, that fence just snuck up on me

ASU police reported the following incident Wednesday:

A 20-year-old male ASU student was arrested early Saturday morning near McAllister Avenue and Orange Street and charged with having alcohol in his system. An officer reportedly saw the suspect walk into a fire hydrant and then a light post. Upon contact, the suspect reportedly told the officer he just wanted to get home. The student reportedly had a blood-alcohol concentration of .271 and a bleeding cut on his forehead. After the officer called for the Tempe Fire Department and informed the suspect he was under arrest, the student allegedly attempted to flee but reportedly ran face first into a fence and fell backward, hitting his head on the ground. The student reportedly fought with an officer near the arrest location and with a doctor, nurse and several firefighters after being transported to Tempe St. Luke's Hospital. The officer reportedly used a Taser gun on the suspect once near the arrest location and twice at the hospital. Charges of aggravated assault and resisting arrest will be forwarded to the County Attorney's Office, the Department of Public Safety reported.

A 20-year-old Mesa man was arrested near the Cholla Apartments early Tuesday morning and charged with underage DUI. An officer standing in Parking Lot 62 contacted the suspect after his vehicle allegedly left the roadway and struck an aboveground water main. When asked how much alcohol he had consumed, the suspect reportedly stated, "I'm not going to lie, I had a '40.' " Police allegedly found two 40-ounce bottles of Olde English beer in the suspect's vehicle. During field sobriety tests, the officer reportedly informed the suspect the tests were voluntary, and he could stop if he felt uncomfortable, but the suspect allegedly stated, "What's the difference, I'm going to jail." The suspect reportedly had a blood-alcohol content level of .14 when tested later at the ASU police station.

Reports compiled by Brian Indrelunas. Reach the reporter at

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