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Police Beat: Cute girls get all the dope

ASU police reported the following incidents Friday:

An 18-year-old female ASU student was arrested at the Las Casas residence hall on west campus Wednesday afternoon. She was charged with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Officers responded to the woman's apartment after receiving a report that the suspect was smoking marijuana in her room.

The woman reportedly agreed to a search of her apartment. She allegedly gave an officer a purse that contained a plastic bag containing a green organic substance thought to be marijuana and a tobacco cigarette containing the green substance. During questioning after her arrest, the suspect reportedly told police she received the marijuana from a friend without cost. "I'm cute," she reportedly said. "I get mine for free."

Two teenage boys, a 17-year-old and a 13-year-old, were arrested early Tuesday morning near the Cancer Research Institute and charged with curfew violation. A custodian at the Life Sciences Center reported to DPS that the boys "were looking at a Coca-Cola truck" in the area. After arresting and processing them, police reportedly "transported both subjects to their respective homes and turned them over to their mothers."

Tempe police reported the following incidents Friday:

A 19-year-old Mesa man and student at Mesa Community College was arrested near the intersection of Mill Avenue and Fifth Street early Friday morning. The man was charged with having alcohol in his system and using the driver's license of another to enter a bar after he was allegedly seen leaving the Library Bar and Grill, 501 S. Mill Ave. He allegedly used an Ohio driver's license belonging to another person to enter the bar and was reportedly intoxicated.

A 22-year-old male ASU student was arrested Thursday afternoon on the 1200 block of East Vista del Cerro Drive and charged with excessive speeding. The man was allegedly traveling at 68 mph in a 25 mph zone.

Reports compiled by Brian Indrelunas. Reach the reporter at

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