ONLINE EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is part of a series of articles interviewing Undergraduate Student Government senatorial candidates. Check back for more features as election time approaches.
The Basics
Name: Debbie Santucci
Year: Junior
Major: Marketing
College: W.P. Carey School of Business
On the Ticket: Support Adam Cronenberg and Andrew Schembri
Your Background
1. What activities are you involved in?
Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity, Undergraduate Student Government, Devils' Advocates, Business School Council, Business Ambassadors and Undergraduate Student Advisory Board.
2. What kind of jobs have you worked?
Dance Instructor and Office Manager- Divine Performing Arts; Intern- FedEx Inside Sales; Intern- Enterprise Rent-A-Car
3. What kind of leadership have you demonstrated?
In Alpha Kappa Psi I was vice president of professionalism, vice president of brotherhood, pledge and active class social chair. In Undergraduate Student Government I have served as a senator and awareness chair. In the business school's council, I have served on the executive board.
The Future
1. What would you do if you were elected a senator in student government?
I would continue to advocate for students and educate students on the services offered by Undergraduate Student Government.
2. Why do you want the job?
I joined the Senate last year to increase student awareness of Undergraduate Student Government. I would like to continue educating students of services offered by USG and advocate for their needs.
3. What are some key issues that need to be addressed on campus?
A key issue that needs to be addressed is student involvement. I would like to see students playing an active role in their education, whether this be joining organizations or playing an active role in student government.
4. What issues does your college face and what do you hope to do to address that?
An issue that the W.P. Carey School of Business faces is the capacity to accommodate over 7,000 business students. The beloved Flag Room was replaced by the new Career Services Department. Due to this loss, I have been making strides to improve study accommodation areas for students. Also, I am trying to create a "community" for business students. I plan to do this by promoting student organizations and events they put on. Continued effort to accommodate every business student's needs will lead to student satisfaction and success for the W.P. Carey School of Business.
5. What is one thing student government can improve its handling of?
The student government can improve its survey distribution system. Surveys are a great way to communicate with students and really dissect what their needs are. Better use of these surveys will allow us to further accommodate ASU students.