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Fit to Print: 'Real World' cast member speaks on study abroad

A former "Real World" cast member appeared on campus Tuesday night to show about 40 ASU students what happens when they stop sitting around and start traveling.

Landon Lueck, 25, a University of Wisconsin senior who appeared on MTV's "Real World: Philadelphia," was one of several speakers who spoke to students in the Agriculture building about traveling in Europe.

Lueck, sporting a shaved head and wife-beater shirt, spoke along with several speakers from STA Travel about the wonders of traveling to Fiji. The travel company, which has an office inside the Memorial Union, also provided travel services for a trip to Fiji that the "Real World" cast took during the filming of the show.

The purpose of the travel session was to inform students of ASU's summer and winter travel programs that are available from the recreation and tourism department.

American students travel at a later age than students from other cultures, Lueck said, encouraging the audience to try studying abroad.

"[Traveling] really is one of the greatest things ever," Lueck said.

Lueck said beers are cheap on the Fijian islands and highly recommended getting a massage on the beach.

"[Fiji] is a very romantic place," he said.

STA Travel showed an hourlong Powerpoint presentation that explained the different tour options offered and basic travel tips. At the end, the company gave away a $100 travel voucher and bus passes for use in New Zealand, Fiji and South Africa.

Victor Teye, an ASU recreation professor, showed slides from trips he has taken to Austria and Holland.

Teye said turnout was low, but he didn't think the presentation was a wasted effort.

"We were expecting a lot more people," Teye said.

But, "for [the students] to make the time and sit through the presentation, I think they will travel," Teye said.

Kalea Yoshida is an associate editor of the ASU Web Devil. Reach her at

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