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BREAKING NEWS: Hill admits to alcohol abuse

Former ASU tailback Hakim Hill admitted Monday to having a history of alcohol abuse after being arrested on charges of disorderly conduct, public intoxication and assaulting a police officer at an Iowa City hotel.

"It's clear that the only time I have a problem is when I drink," Hill told The State Press in a statement. "There have been times that I thought I had control. I have refrained for long periods -- eight months at a time -- but there is something different about my blood chemistry, and when I drink, I usually lose control."

Hill, 22, transferred to Northern Iowa last month. He was kicked off the ASU football team Dec. 27 amid allegations that he punched junior wide receiver Matt Miller in the face before the team's appearance in the Vitalis Sun Bowl.

"The transition from ASU to UNI was pretty difficult," said Hill, who finished his ASU career with 1,336 yards rushing and 14 touchdowns. "I thought about leaving every day, but actually I had started to adjust."

Hill had been working out with Northern Iowa's track and field team. He said he was planning to compete at this week's Missouri Valley Conference Championships in Carbondale, Ill.

Hill was arrested Sunday at the Sheraton Hotel in Iowa City after allegedly fighting with police officers and threatening to kill them and their families. On Monday, he was kicked off the football and track and field teams, and Northern Iowa officials pulled his scholarship. Hill is reportedly in the process of withdrawing from the school.

Hill said he regrets his actions and he's thankful for the support Northern Iowa's coaches have shown.

"The hardest part is finding new people and places to associate with because most college students drink," Hill said. "Relapse is a part of recovery, and I realize that this is a lifetime battle. I am hopeful that with the help of God and the support of my family and friends, I can get the victory."

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