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Police Beat: Poked in the eye

Tempe police reported the following incidents Tuesday:

A 32-year-old Tempe man was arrested Monday afternoon at the 500 block of West Baseline Road in connection with one count of unlawful imprisonment, two counts of assault, and threatening and intimidation. The man allegedly kept his live-in girlfriend in their apartment against her will from midday Sunday until midday Monday, threatening physical violence if she left the apartment or answered the phone. Police reported he allegedly took her keys away, then choked her and dragged her across the apartment, leaving bruise marks on her neck. The man allegedly poked her in the eye and rubbed "wall compound" in her mouth and eye as well, causing swelling.

A 20-year-old Tempe woman was arrested for disorderly conduct late Monday night near the 100 block of West Carter Drive after she allegedly grabbed her fiance's 9 mm handgun and holster from his hip pocket and threw the gun across their bedroom, breaking a full-length mirror. According to police reports, the woman and her fiance have allegedly lived together for about a year, and she is two months pregnant with their child.

Reports compiled by Elias Arnold. Reach the reporter at

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