Tempe Police reported the following incidents Thursday:
A 23-year-old Tempe woman was arrested early Thursday morning on the 1000 block of Apache Boulevard for allegedly offering to have sex with a man for $20. Police allege the man had given her the money, but she threw it into his car when an officer arrived and interrupted the act. The woman was booked into Tempe City Jail and held to see a judge. She is charged with one count of prostitution.
A 32-year-old Tempe woman was arrested early Wednesday morning on the 700 block of South Mill Avenue for alleged counts of possible drug possession, possible drug paraphernalia and probation violation. According to police, a routine records check revealed an outstanding Maricopa County Sheriff's Office warrant for her arrest. Police said a search of the vehicle allegedly revealed numerous pipes with white residue, a scale and a usable quantity of white crystalline substance in the cab of the vehicle.
Reports compiled by Elias Arnold. Reach the reporter at elias.arnold@asu.edu.