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Letters to the Editor: Euthanasia ethics and social security reform

Social Security a taxing issue

President Bush's proposals for Social Security are not reform, and by proposing them he is definitely not liberal.

... Social Security does not need an overhaul to be saved. It's bleeding red ink without funds that President Bush gave away to the rich in tax cuts. Fiscal responsibility is what we need today, but don't expect it from the GOP.

-- Cole Hickman

ASU Young Democrats president

Martori column ignores democracy

Arthur Martori, in discussing proposed euthanasia legislation, complains: "What frightens me is that we seem to be teetering on the brink of an era in which the morals of the majority will determine policy." Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is what is known in some circles as "democracy."

The issue of active euthanasia is an extremely complex and sensitive one, and people of moral discernment and good will can be found on both sides of the issue. Be that as it may, the majority has every right to implement the policy they find most fitting, and I would be willing to wager, at least in this state, the majority of the populace is not very comfortable with the notion of empowering physicians to actively end life.

It does not further his argument to blacken the motives of those opposed to euthanasia ("mean-spirited punks"), and it would help to remember that some of the most monumental changes in our national culture -- from abolitionism to the Civil Rights Movement -- came as a result of direct appeals to shared Christian values.

-- Chris Lanter

Biology Senior

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