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Information Please: Biodiesel in a nutshell

Definition: Biodiesel is a clean-burning, alternative fuel made from vegetable fats and vegetable oil. It contains no petroleum and can be blended in any ratio with petroleum. Biodeisel is a renewable fuel source that is biodegradable and not toxic.

Numbers: The U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Agriculture said biodiesel lowered carbon dioxide emissions by 78 percent when compared to petroleum diesel.

Feasibility: Biodiesel can be used in any conventional diesel engine. Little to no modifications need to be made.

Cool fact: Conz recently drove from Phoenix to L.A. and back on only one and a quarter tanks of biodiesel. He says he didn't have to stop at a gas station; he just pulled on the side of the road and filled his tank.

Fun fact: There is a biodiesel group based in San Diego on Its Web site is:

Where it is: Biodiesel is available all over the country. Visit for a current list of vendors.

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