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Campus continues torrid expansion pace

The fences that have surrounded the new Foundation Building during its construction will soon have a new home around yet another new ASU building.

Construction projects on campus range from nearly finished to newly begun.

Employees of the ASU Foundation started moving into their new building on the corner of College Avenue and University Drive this weekend said Ted Cary, director of the Capital Programs Management Group. All liberal arts administrative offices and many University administration offices, including the office of the president, will move into the building in stages through mid-February.

An official dedication ceremony for the building will follow in late February, said Vice President for Public Affairs Virgil Renzulli.

While the Foundation Building prepares for its christening, the University is still waiting for approval to begin construction on the McAllister Academic Village.

Cary said the University would seek approval from the Arizona Board of Regents at the end of this month to begin construction on the village by Feb. 1.

He expects housing for 800 students to be ready for use on the western portion of the site by the beginning of fall 2006, and a new Barrett Honors College complex is expected to open on the remaining land, extending east to Rural Road, by fall 2007.

Construction is also under way on several other projects on both the main and east campuses.

Two Interdisciplinary Science and Technology buildings are under construction at ASU Main and a third is being built on the east campus. The buildings will house research facilities for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering.

Another science and technology building, being constructed between McAllister Mall and McAllister Avenue just east of the Goldwater Center, is scheduled to be finished by August. The building at ASU East should be completed by December.

The second building devoted to the Biodesign Institute is under construction to the north of the first Biodesign building. The first building opened at the northeast corner of McAllister Avenue and Terrace Road in December, and the next should be completed in September.

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