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ASU club looks to build strong foundation

The ASU Real Estate Club, new to campus this semester, hopes to reach students with an interest in commercial real estate and provide them with skills such as managing properties and selling office buildings, while giving them networking and career development opportunities.

The club was formed because of the real estate boom in Arizona and as a response to the lack of attention given to the real estate industry at ASU.

"I noticed the real estate program at ASU was rather weak and didn't seem to let new students in very often," said Christopher Myers, finance and accounting sophomore and president of the club. "It struck me as odd that in a state where real estate plays such an important role in the economy, there aren't more resources for students interested in real estate."

In 2000, there were about 50,000 people getting licensed as real estate agents. That number increased to nearly 67,000 in 2005, according to Mary Utley, spokeswoman for the Arizona Department of Real Estate.

"The residential real estate market has been Arizona's strongest economic sector over the past four years, with no expectancy of slowing down," Utley said.

Myers said he hoped the club could help students get a start in the business.

"We want our club to be a meeting place and means for students in the field to get a little extra info," Myers said.

The club added 30 members after sending a mass e-mail on the Barrett Honors College list serve but hopes to gain at least 20 more members.

"I'm looking forward to getting opportunities to work with developers in real estate," finance and accounting sophomore Eric Wolf said. Wolf is one of the 30 members who plan to attend the first meeting to be held on Feb. 25.

The club's meetings will be held on the last Friday of every month in the Hopi Room 208C of the Memorial Union.

"We welcome students from all professional backgrounds. Real estate experience or business majors are not prerequisites," Myers said.

ASU Real Estate Club

When: Last Friday of every month

Where: Hopi Room 208C of the Memorial Union

First meeting: Feb. 25

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