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Green: 'Twas the night before election

Michael Green
The State Press

'Twas the night before election, and all through the land,

People considered the choices at hand.

The voting booths were set out at their stations with care

Hovered over by lawyers to keep it all fair.

Voters were snuggled close to the TV

Listening to last minute campaign cries and pleas.

Though they've said nothing new o'er the last couple weeks

Except Kerry calling Bush and his crew petrosheiks.

And Bush said that Kerry looks awfully French

Thought with this accusation he'd win in a cinch.

Both men seem frightened and desperate as hell

Knowing swing voters are a hard bunch to sell.

Only a few have not made up their minds;

The undecided this race are quite hard to find.

Even overseas they've made a campaign push:

Europe for Kerry and Russia for Bush.

But what should happen now at the very last minute?

A development to turn heads in the House and the Senate!

Osama bin Laden sends a last minute threat

A turn for Bush worse than staggering debt.

It seems made to remind us that Bush didn't catch him

To sway the people for Kerry in this election.

But why should Osama want to give Kerry the day

When it was Bush who so effectively let him get away?

Other last minute revelations are flying

That have set Bush, Cheney, Rove and their minions to crying.

In Iraq explosives disappear from our sight

While during the war still so many have died.

And the FBI is all over Haliburton today

For shady contracting we were told was OK.

And though he made a mistake not killing Zarqawi

We know this president never says that he's sorry.

But Bush isn't daunted as he marshals his staff;

They still think tomorrow they'll have the last laugh.

Now Ashcroft! Now Condi! Now Rumsfeld and Wolfie!

On Cheney, on Rove, get off of your fat tushies!

Despite all this, Kerry won't win in a landslide

Even if we believe that the president has lied.

We see Kerry as too wishy-washy and fickle:

A man who will change positions at the flip of a nickel.

But still, on one of them we have to decide;

Things are too important to stay home and hide.

Use your vote to do good now and not later

Even if you decide to vote for Ralph Nader.

And although four years with either man grates,

If we hang on we might get McCain in '08.

Whatever the case, if things turn out wrong or right

Happy election to all and to all a good night!

Michael Green is pursing graduate degrees in creative writing and film and media studies. You may donate your organs to him at

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