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Furniture giant opens doors

Aldei Gregoire/THE STATE PRESS
Libby Antkowiak, who transferred from the IKEA store in Chicago, takes down measurements for a room at the new Tempe IKEA on Wednesday.

The big day is here for Swedish furniture fans across the Valley.

IKEA, near Interstate 10 and Warner Road, opens its doors for the first time today at 9 a.m.

IKEA fans have been eagerly waiting outside the megastore for its opening and the opportunity to win prizes; the first person in line wins $1,500 in IKEA furniture and accessories featured on the front cover of the IKEA catalog, and the first 100 adults will get a chair.

Ahwatukee resident Scott Cesen, 24, has been waiting outside IKEA since Nov. 2. He set up a tent in front of the store and is the first person in line.

"I can't wait for [the opening]," he said, "I've been looking forward to it for a week now."

ASU physics junior Morgan Bellinger was selected as one of the five Fabulous Neighbors chosen by IKEA to camp out in a cabana set up for him in front of the store to win prizes.

Bellinger said he has been camping outside IKEA since Sunday at 3 p.m.

"It's actually pretty comfortable," he said, "The [freeway] is right here, and it's loud though."

Business junior Alejandra Hernandez arrived at about 1 p.m. on Tuesday to wait in line.

"I'm just here waiting in line to get my chair," she said. "I want to see what the store has to offer."

IKEA representatives said they do not know how many people they expect to visit the 342,000-square-foot store today.

"It's a hard number to predict," said spokeswoman Erica Schaffer. "There are already more than 70 people in line."

IKEA has 1,300 parking spaces within their lot, and overflow parking will be available. Employees will be parking at an off-site location, IKEA spokesman Joseph Roth said.

"We are more than prepared," he said.

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