Reminding voters of Kerry's voting record
I already know Bush is never going to hear the end of the new report about there being no WMDs in Iraq since 1991, but before you Bush-bashers go touting the wonders of Kerry, remember these two, simple undeniable truths: Kerry voted for the war in Iraq, and he voted for $87 billion to fund the war.
I have no idea why the voting public doesn't realize this. I never agreed with the Iraq war, and if I had been in position to grant our president the authority to carry out that war that I disagreed with, I would have voted against it -- plain and simple. However, Kerry voted for it, even though he has said repeatedly it was the "wrong war at the wrong time in the wrong place."
He said he wouldn't have gone to war without a plan to win the peace or without a multilateral coalition. He said that Bush had neither of those things. OK, Sen. Kerry, then why did you vote for the war and the $87 billion to fund it? I don't know why this simple fact evades so many people.
--Javier Sedillo,
ASU student
A vote for Messner column
Thank you, Julie Messner, for a well-written article. I agree that giving workers the day off to visit the polls would have a positive impact on voter turnout. We can look to Australia as an excellent role model. There, not only are elections held on a Saturday, but non-voters are also fined. As a result, about 95 percent of Australians make it to the polls. Just imagine what would happen if 95 percent of Americans voted.
--Rachel Yetter,
ASU affiliate
Debate exclusive to more than students
As an ASU student, I wish I could say that I am proud and excited to watch my candidate speak in the presidential debate my school is hosting on Oct. 13. There's just one problem -- my candidate won't be there.
Neither will the other third-party candidates who have the potential (i.e., ballot status in enough states) to win this election. And it's not for their lack of trying. My candidate, David Cobb of the Green Party, and the Libertarian Party's Michael Badnarik were arrested on Friday after trying to push their way through a line of police to access the debate in St. Louis. Cobb had petitioned the Commission on Presidential Debates repeatedly to be allowed the chance to speak, and he wasn't even granted the privilege of buying himself a ticket to watch.
These candidates were forced to resort to civil disobedience to get their message heard. That is not democracy. I am ashamed to pay tuition to a university that supports the elitist, undemocratic practices of the Debate Commission.
--Arianne Peterson,
ASU student
Messner's message amended
In regards to Julie Messner's "Workers deserve Election Day off" article on Friday, I would like to point out that there are early-voting satellite locations available for people who cannot make it to their polling place on Nov. 2. These locations are available throughout the entire month of October -- on both weekdays and weekends. So instead of loudly complaining about not having your voice heard, be proactive and go to the Maricopa County Recorder's Web site and find your satellite location (
With the time you will save by avoiding long voting lines, you should be able to get to the bar and down a few Mai Tais. If you really want to spend time by the pool, get an absentee ballot. There are options out there for people who actually want to vote.
--Jessica Solper,
ASU student
You call that entertaining?
What happened to the entertainment section of The State Press? You know -- movie reviews, concert reviews, previews of stuff going on here or near the campus? Instead, we get features about pierced scrotums?
Doesn't anyone in the editorial department have a sense of what a newspaper is for?
Get back to reality.
--J. Morton,
ASU student
GPSA stands by USG decision
Building on The State Press editorial endorsement of USG's establishment of a Tempe Liaison, the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) also lauds this decision. This is characteristic of the initiative shown by USG's current leadership.
...Having a student voice in these discussions is extremely important as these governments and their committees will have a substantial say in ASU and the surrounding communities.
An ongoing student presence is vital because much of the work gets done at the committee and subcommittee level in government. This consistent participation will continue to be GPSA's hallmark as we advocate for graduate and professional students.
We welcome the Undergraduate Student Government's presence on the local scene. GPSA looks forward to continuing our strong working relationship as we both work for ASU students at the national, local and state scales.
--Deirdre Hahn,
President GPSA