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Wanted: ASU's dirty laundry

Pre-business freshman Dean Rashdan picks up his laundry Tuesday from Valet Today laundry service employee Jack Lafferty in Palo Verde East dorm.

A new service is making college life easier for dorm students by taking care of their dirty clothes.

At Valet Today laundry service, students living on campus can drop off a week's worth of laundry every Tuesday and pick it up clean and folded every Friday at a facility next to the UPS Store on campus in Palo Verde East Hall at 350 E. University Dr. or at 725 E. Adelphi Dr.

"This is a huge time saver," said Valet Today employee Scott Williford. "Our motto is 'We do errands, you do life.'"

Williford and co-worker Jack Lafferty collected laundry and registered students for service in Palo Verde East on Tuesday, one of two areas for drop off/pick up and sign up for the service.

Students who sign up for the service pay $260 per semester. They can drop off a 12-pound bag of laundry each week. In the bag, students can mix colored clothing, towels, and sheets; they will be separated during cleaning.

Students can choose different types of soaps for their laundry, such as hypoallergenic or regular soap, liquid or sheet fabric softeners.

"I've been doing this for two weeks," said pre-business freshman Dean Rashdan. "I have to get stuff done; I'm too busy to do it."

ASU is the only university Valet Today serves, and is testing out the service on a trial basis. The company may extend their laundry service to off-campus students.

"Because of the huge volume of people on campus, we are going to try it out first with dorm students." Lafferty said.

More than 75 students have signed up for Valet Today since the laundry service opened in Tempe nearly two weeks ago, Lafferty said.

"The reason I'm here is to get that number way up," Lafferety said. "People hear about us and like our service. We are extremely confident in the service we provide."

Valet Today is not currently affiliated with ASU and is a vendor on the University, but owners hope to get a contract with the University before next semester.

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