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Police Beat: That burning aroma

Tempe police reported the following incidents Friday:

A 20-year-old ASU man, a 20-year-old woman and a 22-year-old Tempe man were arrested Thursday and charged with possessing marijuana and drug paraphernalia near the 1000 block of West Manhattan Drive. Police said officers saw a bag of marijuana on a coffee table in plain view from the front door of the residence and smelled the aroma of burning marijuana.

A 39-year-old transient man was arrested Wednesday on two charges of selling narcotics after an investigation revealed that he allegedly provided cocaine to undercover officers in May and August. The suspect was arrested near the 1600 block of East Apache Boulevard and taken to the Tempe jail. He was then charged with one count of possession of narcotics after police allegedly found a useable amount of cocaine in the back seat of the police car in which he was transferred.

A 31-year-old Phoenix man was arrested Friday after he allegedly threatened a windshield washer near the 500 block of West Warner Road. Police charged the man with assault after he allegedly drove by the victim and said, "Give me your money or I will shoot you." The suspect drove off when the victim refused to give him his money and was arrested several blocks away.

Reports compiled by Mark Saxon.

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