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Police Beat: Swimming without drawers

Tempe police reported the following incidents Thursday:

A 33-year-old woman was arrested Thursday morning near the 1000 block of E. Baseline Rd. and charged with indecent exposure. Police said a security guard found her in an apartment complex swimming pool without a swimsuit bottom.

A 24-year-old Tempe man was arrested Wednesday night and charged with three counts of aggravated DUI. The suspect allegedly was stopped for loud music near the corner of Seventh Street and Mill Avenue. Police say the suspect was under the influence of alcohol and had three children in the vehicle.

A 24-year-old Phoenix man was arrested Wednesday outside a Payless shoe store near the 1000 block of W. Baseline Rd. The suspect was charged with assault after he allegedly pushed another man to the ground and ripped his shirt.

Reports compiled by Mark Saxon. Reach the reporter at

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