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Police Beat: She makes a good point...with a steak knife

Tempe police reported the following incidents Wednesday:

A 40-year-old transient man was arrested near the 1000 block of S. Priest Drive on Tuesday after police said he was looking at a pornographic magazine and in possession of beer on private property. The suspect was charged with criminal trespassing.

A 33-year-old transient man was arrested Tuesday after police allege he was in possession of stolen rims and tires near the 2000 block of E. Lemon St. The suspect was charged with possession of stolen goods after he attempted to install the rims and tires on his sister's truck. Police said the suspect tried to hide under another vehicle when he spotted the officers.

A 41-year-old Tempe woman was arrested at her residence near the 1000 block of E. Baseline Road and charged with domestic violence assault Tuesday night. The suspect allegedly stabbed her husband in the chest with a steak knife after a heated argument.

ASU police reported the following incident Wednesday:

A 20-year-old Mesa man was arrested Saturday near Sonora Center. Police allege the suspect's vehicle was parked in a no-parking zone. The minor was allegedly found carrying an unopened 30-pack of Budweiser and charged with possession.

Reports compiled by Mark Saxon. Reach the reporter at

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