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Police Beat: Paramedic style

Tempe police reported the following incidents Tuesday.

A 48-year-old Tempe man was taken to Maricopa County Hospital on Tuesday after a train hit him near the intersection of Ninth Street and Ash Avenue. Police said the man was lying on the tracks when the train struck him. The man lost his left leg below his calf and broke several bones after attempts to stop the train by conductors failed. Police believe alcohol consumption was a probable factor in the incident. Tuesday was also the man's birthday, according to reports.

A 38-year-old man was taken to Scottsdale Osborn Hospital on Tuesday morning after he suffered life-threatening injuries during a traffic accident. Police said the man was a passenger in Jeep Wrangler traveling north on Price Road when a Dodge Ram that was traveling east on University Drive collided with it, causing the Jeep to roll over several times. The passenger of the Jeep was thrown from the vehicle and collided headfirst with the curb. The driver of the Jeep sustained several non-life- threatening injuries, while the driver of the Dodge was not hurt. Police believe the driver of the Jeep ran a red light and may have been under the influence of alcohol, pending results of a blood test.

Reports compiled by Mark Saxon. Reach the reporter at

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