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Police Beat: Adidos U-Haul

Tempe police reported the following incidents Monday.

A 24-year-old Mexican national was arrested Friday and charged with extreme DUI near the intersection of Apache Boulevard and Lebanon Lane. The suspect allegedly failed to drive in one lane and then crossed two lanes without signaling. When questioned the suspect told police he had had about 10 beers. The suspect failed several field sobriety tests and a Breathalyzer test registered a blood alcohol content of .237.

A 49-year-old transient man was arrested near the 2000 block of East Apache Boulevard Saturday and charged with trespassing. The suspect allegedly hot-wired a U-Haul truck in an attempt to keep warm.

A 54-year-old transient man was arrested near the 2000 block of South Industrial Drive Saturday on charges of urban camping and public urination. The suspect allegedly was found exposing his penis and urinating on an electrical box.

Reports compiled by Mark Saxon. Reach the reporter at

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