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Letters: Sports piece hits the mark

Sports piece hits the mark

["It's 'Miller Time'" was an] awesome in-depth article: one of the best reads on ASU football I have read in a long time. Keep 'em rolling in. Thanks.

-- Mike Burnam,

ASU Alumni

Ticketed may have fighting chance

A good piece of news for all of you who got a parking ticket when you first arrived on campus. According to Arizona Revised Statute 15-1627, Section C: "Members of the general public who park their vehicles in an unauthorized manner upon the property of a university shall be warned concerning their unauthorized parking and, if they continue, or if such persons habitually park in such an unauthorized manner, the vehicles so parked may be impounded by the institution and a reasonable fee exacted for the cost of impoundment and storage."

So when appealing your ticket, be sure to point out that under Arizona law and ABOR policy 5-102, Parking and Transit Services is required to give you a warning before they can levy a fine.

-- Chris Cunningham,

ASU faculty/staff

A+ too unattainable

I first have to say that while I was not a fan of the plus/minus grading system when I first heard about it, I grew to appreciate it in the months before school started. Students have to remember that in the original plus/minus proposal there was no A+. The Academic Senate rejected the plan and the A+ was added because senate members felt that we needed an A+ to counteract the A-. Otherwise, students who received A-'s could never push up their GPA and recover.

However, now that I have started school, in a lot of my classes I am seeing that it is impossible to get an A+! I have some teachers who have made 99 or 100% an A+, making it nearly unachievable. In these same classes the grade requirements for plus and minus is the same for B's and C's but changed for the A grades. Why? This seems unfair because average B students can work hard to get a say 97% and get that extra third of a point, but the A students are left out to only do as well as they had done before. If the plus/minus system was designed so that students could be rewarded for good work and was only approved by the senate because an A+ was added to the proposal then why is it allowed for teachers/professors to make an A+ an impossible grade?

--Sydney Blanchard,

ASU student

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