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Letters: Everything else

Clapp happy

I would like to commend Brian Clapp for letting readers know about the actions taken by the Republicans to screen their crowd and filter out non-supporters at rallies. When I attending the George [W.] Bush rally a few weeks ago in Phoenix, I was told that I had to sign a Bush pledge if I wanted a bumper sticker. At least I was allowed in to the rally, unlike some New Mexicans who were told they couldn't enter a George Bush rally unless they pledged to vote for Bush.

--Matthew Moellering

ASU student

Ticketed may not have fighting chance

In his letter [yesterday], Chris Cunningham correctly concludes "...under Arizona law....Parking and Transit Services is required to give you a warning before they can levy a fine." However, Cunningham fails to note that the state law does not specify what constitutes a warning. Posted signs and published regulations meet the requirements of law. One look around campus and it is clear all of us have been warned, and warned, and warned. ASU had this base covered years ago, but I encourage everyone to keep trying to find loopholes...that's how we make better parking policies.

--David Wright

ASU alumni

Ketchup column revisited

I would like to emphasize points made in Lily Yan's Aug. 31 article "Condiment Key Fuel in Political Machine." H. J. Heinz Company is a non-partisan organization that does not endorse any presidential candidate. It is a publicly traded corporation with a diverse shareholder base of both individuals and institutions comprising Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike. Neither Teresa Heinz Kerry nor Senator John Kerry nor any of the Heinz trusts or endowments--either individually or collectively--holds a significant percentage of shares of the H.J. Heinz Company. (Their current holdings are under 4 percent.) No Heinz family member is involved in the management or board of the H. J. Heinz Company. They have no involvement in the Heinz ketchup business or any of the company's other brands or products.

--Debora S. Foster

Vice President Corporate Communications,

H. J. Heinz Company

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