Tempe police reported the following incidents Monday:
A 24-year-old Scottsdale man was arrested Friday and charged with extreme DUI. Police alleged he was asleep or unconscious while driving in the center lane of the intersection of University Drive and Ash Avenue. The suspect's blood alcohol level was reported to be .235 a half-hour after he was arrested.
A 22-year-old Tempe man was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct Friday night. The ASU College of Liberal Arts student was arrested after he was the primary resident allegedly responsible for a party that disturbed his neighbors. Tempe police reportedly responded to the residence near the 1000 block of East La Vieve Lane. twice before arresting the student.
A 54-year-old Tempe man was arrested near the 1000 block of E. Spence Ave. Saturday night after the vehicle he was driving allegedly struck two parked cars. The man was charged with DUI.
Reports compiled by Mark Saxon. Reach the reporter at mark.saxon@asu.edu.