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LDS hoping to expand student center


In an effort to grow along with the University, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is planning to expand its campus student center.

The center, known as the Tempe Institute of Religion, has occupied the same two buildings near campus at McAllister Avenue and Orange Street for 43 years.

"ASU is growing and to have an old building doesn't seem right," said Institute Director Hyrum Wright. "We want to beautify and grow with ASU as much as we can. We want to be hand in hand."

The facility, which includes a parking lot, takes up 35,000 sq. ft., and is used primarily to teach the church's religious courses to about 1,200 students each semester, Wright said.

Tempe Arizona University Stake, which consists of eight wards, oversees the LDS Institute, and President David Udall said the expansion is not a new idea.

"The church has been talking about it for some period of time," Udall said.

According to Wright, the new center will expand to 40,500 sq. ft. and include one two-story building and a parking structure that will hold approximately 650 vehicles.

Other amenities will include a recreation room, sanctuary and chapel, cultural hall, gym, administrative and teaching offices, and will house an Institute choir. He also hopes the new building will bring newer technology to help students.

"It'll be a better learning facility and gathering place with up to date technology," Wright said.

The church, which owns the land and is funding the project, has already had expansion requests approved by the Tempe Planning and Zoning Commission, Wright said.

But the drawings must be finished and sent to various committees at ASU, Udall said.

The design must also be reviewed and approved by the Tempe city council, before groundbreaking can begin next year.

ASU spokeswoman Nancy Neff said the expansion fits in well with the already growing campus.

"We have a longstanding relationship with faith-based organizations around campus," Neff said. "[The expansion] demonstrates that as we are growing to accommodate a growing student population, those entities around us need to grow as well."

Brinton Croff, accounting senior and member of the LDS religion, attends the Institute and said he is glad to see the center is expanding.

"[The Institute] helps to enhance education," Croff said. "We have a growing LDS population here and you need to grow for those people."

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