What about Gammage?
I'm a little concerned after reading Leia Cumberland's article ("Coor Building latest, largest public art," March 01, 2004). Apparently, the director of the ASU Office of Public Art forgot about Frank Lloyd Wright's Gammage Auditorium when she stated that the Coor Building is the "first time architecture and art were merged" on this campus. Secondly, I'm not sure whose idea it was to have the new Parking Structure 7 as a place that students could "hang out." I can't think of a time in my life when I decided to hang out in a parking lot or structure, ever. The money used to build the area of the structure for students to be social in is a complete waste. This is all very unbelievable, and I think that money should be allocated towards more useful and deserving areas of our University (and I do not mean the Memorial Union or the Student Recreation Complex).
Eric Gewirtz
Music and Public Relations Senior
One nation under Jesus
"Textual literalism of any kind ... is absurd." I would ask the writer of "Gay marriage is not the national issue" (by Ishtiaque Masud, March 1) to not be so close-minded about the Word of God. We, as a nation founded under Jesus Christ, have to protect the most fundamental institution of civilization. We have to keep the liberal activist judges from changing the definition of marriage forever. Therefore, as Americans, we should support this much-needed amendment. Some say, including the writer of the aforementioned article, that the preservation of marriage is not of national importance. But the union of a man and woman is foundation for human society. Ages of experience have taught humanity that the commitment of husband and wife to love and serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society.
Harry Hazell
Anthropology Undergrad
Supporting Gay Divorce
Thank you for the coverage on the gay marriage issue. All you conservatives out there saving the sanctity of marriage make me giggle. Save yourself, with a greater than 50 percent divorce rate, I wonder how we can still call it a "sanctity." But I must say, your public voice is good to hear even when I don't like what it's saying. And to all you gay activists fighting for your constitutional rights, I applaud your vivaciousness and am saddened that we as a society have let you down. I see society's continued oppression of gays and lesbians as a civil rights issue, an issue that should have been addressed a long time ago.
So to all of you fighting in this battle, I congratulate you on your showmanship. For those of us who think we aren't affected by all the hoopla surrounding gay marriage, I have this to offer: a "president" who amends the Constitution because he prefers a Constitution that mirrors his own morals is worth getting involved with. I love my country and am pretty fond of the Constitution. Maybe not my forefathers, but someone's forefathers and mothers fought pretty hard so that we as a country could enjoy the freedoms kept from us in whatever country we fled from. The Constitution was a huge part of this liberation. A president (elected or not) who amends this Constitution based on his own personal morality is a threat to those civil rights offered in this great Constitution. So, even though I am straight, and even though I am against the very idea of marriage between anyone regardless of gender (perhaps I'm still bitter over my own divorce), I will be fighting alongside my gay friends and neighbors.
Justyne Octave
Nursing Undergrad
Pedestrian campus
I am just as fed up with the subject of parking as you are. I am, however, tired of hearing all the complaining about it. Our campus is a pedestrian campus, which implies we will be WALKING across campus! Considering the number of students at Main who do not live on campus, how could students expect to be parking right outside their classes? And as for asking Parking and Transit Services and the administration to amend this problem, when was the last time anyone noticed that enormously large parking structure being built in Lot 59? All the complainers can't really think its the new fraternity housing, or President Crow's new office, or maybe they can?
And as for those still not satisfied, that is just the first phase of three. That structure will be six stories high and occupy the entire lot on the east side of the road all the way down to Rio Salado. As for why it's not done now: it's made of concrete. For those still confused, it's that 'stuff' that is really hard and they make sidewalks out of it. It doesn't come flat and solid, it has to be formed and dried that way. In the mean time, don't be so lazy! Get out of bed a little earlier and enjoy your walk to class -- it's better than sitting through a dull lecture under the gleam of fluorescent lighting.
Christie Deering
Molecular Biosciences/Biotechnology Senior