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I'm a GRIT-a Girl Raised In The South, that is-so I find music with a soulful rock flavor unceasingly appetizing.

The Florida-based Mojo Gurus appeal to southern sensibilities and definitely rock, roll and ramble in their new album "Hot Damn!"

Laced with rock-a-billy, funk, blues, and southern rock rhythms, each song is a combination of original beats and outstanding lyrics.

The first song on the album, "Race With the Devil," has a definite surfer feel to it, making it an excellent song to serve as soundtrack for a poolside afternoon. Others, like "Raylene" and "Linda Marie" are reminiscent of older, swampier blues ballads, until the both kick it up a notch and BAM! hit you with some heavy-duty drum and base lines.

Hot Damn, the band's third album was released earlier this year and has since spent 21 weeks at number 1 on the Radio Wave Classic Rock Top 40 chart. It's no wonder. The Mojo Gurus are surprisingly refreshing and ultimately entertaining-for GRITS and non-GRITS alike.

Kelly Vaughn is the assistant editor of the Web Devil. Reach her at

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