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Police Beat: .155 in Ocotillo

Tempe police reported the following incidents Tuesday:

A 25-year-old transient man was arrested on a charge of public consumption of alcohol near the 400 block of South Mill Avenue after an officer allegedly saw him drinking from a 24-ounce can of Steel Reserve Malt Liquor.

A 24-year-old Glendale man was arrested on a charge of shoplifting near the 2700 block of West Baseline Road. He allegedly entered a Fry's Food and Drug grocery store and concealed several food and beverage items in a plastic bag. He allegedly exited without paying and was detained by security until police came.

A 23-year-old Tempe woman was arrested on a charge of prostitution near the 2000 block of East Apache Boulevard. She allegedly performed oral sex on a male subject for a pre-determined price of $60. She admitted to the act but denied accusations of stealing additional money.

A 23-year-old Chandler man was arrested on a charge of forgery near the 5000 block of South Arizona Mills Circle. He allegedly presented a Netspend cash card at Polo Jeans Company with a MasterCard number taped to the back of it. The number belonged to a government fleet account.

ASU police reported the following incidents Tuesday:

A 20-year-old student was arrested on a charge of driving on a suspended license after he was pulled over for making an illegal left turn near Ocotillo Hall.

A 19-year-old student was arrested on charges of underage possession of alcohol and being underage with alcohol in his body at Ocotillo Hall after police allegedly found two cans of beer on his person. An alcohol breath test revealed a blood-alcohol level of .155.

Police reports are compiled by reporter Tim Taylor. Reach him at

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